Meet Our Staff at The Episcopal Church of St. Michael

Nov 12, 2018

Welcome to the staff page of The Episcopal Church of St. Michael, a part of Ambassadors For Christ Ministries.

Our Dedicated Team

Our community is blessed to have a group of passionate individuals who are dedicated to serving and spreading the message of faith and belief. The staff members at The Episcopal Church of St. Michael bring their unique talents and expertise to create a welcoming and supportive environment for all.

Rev. John Smith - Senior Pastor

As the Senior Pastor, Rev. John Smith provides spiritual guidance and leads the congregation towards a deeper understanding of faith. With over 20 years of experience in ministry, Rev. Smith's sermons inspire and encourage our community to live a purpose-driven life rooted in biblical teachings.

Dr. Mary Johnson - Director of Music Ministry

With a passion for music and worship, Dr. Mary Johnson leads our Music Ministry with great enthusiasm. Her expertise in choral and instrumental arrangements elevates our worship experience, touching the hearts of all who attend our services. Dr. Johnson also coordinates special musical events throughout the year to further celebrate the presence of God in our lives.

Susan Anderson - Director of Children's Ministry

Susan Anderson's dedication to nurturing the faith of our younger members is truly admirable. As the Director of Children's Ministry, she crafts engaging and age-appropriate curricula that instill essential values, inspire curiosity, and deepen spiritual understanding. Susan's warm and caring approach creates a safe and loving environment where children can grow in their faith.

Michael Davis - Youth Group Leader

With high energy and a genuine interest in the growth of our young adults, Michael Davis leads our vibrant Youth Group. Through his mentorship, Michael supports and challenges our teenagers to navigate the challenges of adolescence while keeping their faith at the center. He organizes exciting activities, Bible studies, and community outreach opportunities that help our youth establish a strong foundation of beliefs.

Emily Thompson - Community Outreach Coordinator

Emily Thompson plays a crucial role in our commitment to serving the broader community. As our Community Outreach Coordinator, she establishes partnerships with local organizations, plans charitable events, and coordinates volunteer activities. Emily's passion for helping those in need inspires our entire congregation to take an active role in creating positive change within our society.

Eric Wilson - Facilities Manager

Eric Wilson ensures that our church facilities are well-maintained, providing a welcoming and comfortable space for worship and fellowship. His attention to detail and dedication to excellence ensure that every aspect of our physical environment supports the spiritual encounters experienced by our community. Eric works diligently to create an atmosphere that reflects the love and reverence we have for our faith.

Sarah Martinez - Office Administrator

Sarah Martinez oversees the smooth operation of our church office, managing administrative tasks and providing support to both the staff and congregation. Her warm and friendly demeanor makes her a valuable resource for all who seek assistance or have questions. Sarah's organizational skills and attention to detail contribute to the efficient functioning of our church community.

Embracing Faith and Creating Connections

At The Episcopal Church of St. Michael, we believe in the power of community, faith, and belonging. Our dedicated staff members work together to create an inclusive environment where individuals can explore, deepen, and connect with their spirituality.

Join Us Today!

If you're searching for a faith community that values love, compassion, and a commitment to serving others, we invite you to join us at The Episcopal Church of St. Michael. Our exceptional staff is here to guide and support you on your spiritual journey.

Contact Our Staff

Feel free to reach out to any member of our staff if you have questions, need assistance, or desire more information about our community and services. We look forward to hearing from you!

Stay Connected

Stay up to date with the latest news, events, and sermons by following us on social media and subscribing to our newsletter. We share faith-centered content, inspirational messages, and opportunities for growth and engagement within our community.


At The Episcopal Church of St. Michael, we are dedicated to serving our community and spreading the message of faith and love. Our exceptional staff plays a vital role in creating an inclusive and nurturing environment, where all individuals can find support and inspiration on their journey of faith. We invite you to join us and experience the transformative power of a loving and compassionate community.

Tim Lynskey
Great team! 👏
Nov 8, 2023
Tiffany Yoquelet
Kudos to the staff at The Episcopal Church of St. Michael for their incredible dedication to their mission. Keep spreading the message of faith and belief!
Jan 12, 2022
Dan Lucas
Great to meet the amazing team at The Episcopal Church of St. Michael! Your dedication and passion shine through.
Dec 23, 2020
Carlos Aldecoa
The dedicated team at The Episcopal Church of St. Michael is truly making a positive impact in the community.
Aug 21, 2020
Heidi Harman
It's wonderful to see such a committed and passionate team at The Episcopal Church of St. Michael. Keep up the great work!
May 5, 2020
Dominic Yannitelli
The staff at The Episcopal Church of St. Michael are truly embodying the spirit of service and faith. Keep up the fantastic work!
Apr 24, 2020
Kevin Bradford
It's heartwarming to see such a passionate and dedicated team at The Episcopal Church of St. Michael. Wishing you continued success!
Mar 21, 2020
Randy Barning
The staff at The Episcopal Church of St. Michael is truly inspiring. Thank you for your hard work and dedication.
Nov 29, 2019
Philippe Monrougie
Hats off to the staff at The Episcopal Church of St. Michael for their unwavering commitment to spreading the message of faith and belief!
Sep 12, 2019
Camilo Medina
What a fantastic team at The Episcopal Church of St. Michael! Your efforts are making a real difference in the community.
Aug 29, 2019