Speaking to the Most Common Objection to Infant Baptism

Nov 5, 2019
Nourish and Cherish

The Significance of Infant Baptism

Baptism holds a central role in the Christian faith, symbolizing spiritual cleansing, entry into the church, and the initiation of a lifelong discipleship journey. While infant baptism is a practice of many Christian denominations, it often faces objection and scrutiny. In this article, Ambassadors For Christ Ministries invites you to explore the theological foundation and biblical support for infant baptism.

Understanding the Covenantal Perspective

One of the primary reasons why Ambassadors For Christ Ministries upholds infant baptism is its connection to the concept of covenant. We believe that baptism is a sign of the New Covenant established through Jesus Christ. Just as circumcision was a sign of the Old Covenant, infant baptism serves as a visible representation of God's grace and the inclusion of children in the community of faith.

The Sacramental Nature of Baptism

Infant baptism, from our perspective, is not merely a symbolic gesture but a sacrament through which God imparts His grace to the child. Just as children in the Old Testament were included in the covenant community through circumcision, we believe that infant baptism is a means of grace, nurturing the child's spiritual growth from an early age.

Addressing the Common Objection

One common objection to infant baptism is the belief that it should only be administered to those who profess their faith. However, Ambassadors For Christ Ministries maintains that baptism is a sign of God's initiative, not an individual's decision. Just as infants are incapable of professing faith, we affirm the importance of the faith community in nurturing their spiritual development.

God's Covenantal Faithfulness

Our understanding of infant baptism is rooted in God's covenantal faithfulness. We believe that God's grace extends to all, including infants, and that baptism serves as a visible representation of God's loving embrace and inclusion in His family.

Support in Scripture

Ambassadors For Christ Ministries finds biblical support for infant baptism in the early practices of the church. In the book of Acts, the apostle Peter declares, "Repent and be baptized, every one of you, in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins" (Acts 2:38, NIV). This command was not limited to adults but extended to everyone, including households and families.

Nurturing a Lifelong Faith

Infant baptism is not the end but the beginning of a lifelong journey of faith. We believe in the importance of the faith community, including parents, sponsors, and the church, in nurturing the child's spiritual growth. Through ongoing discipleship, education, and participation in the life of the church, we strive to support families in raising children who have a personal understanding and commitment to their faith.

Raising Children in the Faith

By baptizing infants, Ambassadors For Christ Ministries actively encourages parents to embrace their role as spiritual guides for their children. We empower parents to model a Christ-centered life, teach biblical principles, and create an environment that fosters the child's spiritual formation.

Continual Engagement and Discipleship

As a faith community, we are committed to providing ongoing support and resources to families. Through Sunday school, youth groups, mentorship programs, and family-oriented activities, we aim to strengthen the child's relationship with God and their understanding of the Christian faith.


Ambassadors For Christ Ministries firmly believes that infant baptism is a beautiful and significant expression of God's grace and covenantal faithfulness. By entrusting children into the hands of a loving community and initiating them into the family of believers, we seek to nurture a lifelong faith journey. Our commitment to biblical foundations, sacramental understanding, and the active involvement of parents and the church allows us to address the most common objections while upholding the value of infant baptism.

Win Brown
Oct 11, 2023