2023 Vacation Bible School at Ambassadors For Christ Ministries

Jul 12, 2020


Welcome to Ambassadors For Christ Ministries' 2023 Vacation Bible School! We are excited to invite you and your children to join us for a week of faith, fun, and spiritual growth. Our dedicated team of volunteers has been working tirelessly to create an unforgettable experience for your child, where they can learn, explore, and develop a deeper understanding of their faith.

Community and Society - Faith and Beliefs

Ambassadors For Christ Ministries is deeply committed to our community and promoting faith and beliefs in the lives of individuals, families, and children. Our Vacation Bible School program is designed with the aim of nurturing the spiritual growth of our young participants, and we welcome children from all walks of life to join us.

What to Expect

During our 2023 Vacation Bible School, your child will embark on a memorable journey where they will encounter exciting stories from the Bible, engage in interactive activities, create lasting friendships, and experience the love of God in a nurturing environment. Our program is tailored to different age groups, ensuring that each child receives age-appropriate teachings and experiences.

Themes and Lessons

Each day at our Vacation Bible School, we delve into a specific theme and corresponding Bible story. Our aim is to bring the stories to life, reinforcing important values and principles that children can apply to their everyday lives. Through creative storytelling, arts and crafts, music, and games, we aim to make learning both enjoyable and impactful.

Day 1: Creation

On the first day, we explore the awe-inspiring story of God's creation. Children will discover the beauty and diversity found in the world around them, and learn about their role as stewards of the earth. Through engaging activities, they will gain a deeper appreciation for the incredible world that God has created.

Day 2: Noah's Ark

Day two takes us on a journey aboard Noah's Ark. Children will learn about obedience, faith, and God's promise to protect those who are faithful. Through hands-on experiences and teamwork, they will understand the importance of trust, patience, and following God's plan.

Day 3: Moses and the Exodus

On day three, we delve into the powerful story of Moses and the Exodus. Your child will witness the miracles performed by God and learn about the importance of courage, perseverance, and standing up for what is right. Through interactive storytelling and dramatic play, they will gain a deeper understanding of faith in action.

Day 4: Jesus and His Ministry

Day four focuses on Jesus and His ministry on earth. Children will explore His teachings, miracles, and parables, and understand the significance of His message of love, forgiveness, and salvation. Engaging discussions, creative activities, and small-group interactions will deepen their understanding of Jesus' life and teachings.

Day 5: The Empty Tomb

On the final day of our Vacation Bible School, we celebrate the triumph of the empty tomb and the resurrection of Jesus. Children will experience the joy of Easter, understanding the hope and eternal life that Jesus offers. Through music, drama, and reflection, they will embrace the message of hope and love that underpins the Christian faith.

A Safe and Uplifting Environment

At Ambassadors For Christ Ministries, we prioritize the safety and well-being of every child. Our dedicated team follows comprehensive safety protocols, including background checks and thorough training. We ensure a safe and nurturing environment where children can freely express themselves, ask questions, and grow spiritually.

Registration Details

Our 2023 Vacation Bible School is open for children aged 4-12 years. Registration is simple and can be completed online through our website or by visiting our ministry office. Don't miss out on this incredible opportunity for your child to grow spiritually and create cherished memories.


Join us at Ambassadors For Christ Ministries' 2023 Vacation Bible School for an unforgettable experience that combines faith, fun, and spiritual growth. Encourage your child to embark on this enriching journey where they will develop a deeper understanding of their faith, forge new friendships, and create lasting memories. Our team of dedicated volunteers is excited to welcome your child into our safe and uplifting environment. Register today and secure a place for your child in this transformative program!

Donna Howell
Looking forward to volunteering at the VBS and making a positive impact on the kids' experience.
Oct 3, 2023
Cardessa Kerr
Counting down the days until VBS begins! It's always a highlight of the summer for our family.
Jul 16, 2023
Marty Mathias
Excited to see our children engage with the Bible and build lasting friendships at this VBS.
Jun 25, 2023
Joshua Squires
I appreciate the dedication of the volunteers in making this VBS memorable and impactful for the children.
May 24, 2023
Daniel Brien
The VBS sounds wonderful! I'm sure the kids will have a fantastic time learning and growing in faith.
Mar 9, 2023
Douglas Biggs
Looking forward to seeing the theme and activities for this year's VBS. It's always so creative!
Sep 12, 2022
John Vlahogeorge
This VBS is an excellent opportunity for kids to develop a strong foundation of faith in a fun and engaging environment.
Jan 10, 2022
Courtney Sewell
I can't wait to bring my kids to this VBS! It's always a great experience at Ambassadors For Christ Ministries.
Dec 30, 2021
Tony Tannous
The combination of faith, fun, and spiritual growth makes this VBS a perfect way for kids to spend their summer.
Dec 16, 2021
Adam Helfenbein
The VBS offers an enriching experience that promotes spiritual growth in a fun and interactive way.
Oct 29, 2021
Oliver Love
I'm sure this year's VBS will be just as unforgettable as the ones in the past. Thank you to everyone involved in organizing it!
Sep 8, 2021
Brad Olson
I've heard great things about Ambassadors For Christ Ministries' VBS. Can't wait to be a part of it this year!
Aug 19, 2021
David Peddler
Bringing my children to this VBS is a great way to ensure they have a meaningful and faith-filled summer.
Aug 12, 2021
Pamela Castillo
The time and effort put into planning this VBS are evident, and it's greatly appreciated.
Dec 7, 2020
Norred Poindexter
I'm grateful for the opportunity to have my kids participate in a spiritually enriching experience like this VBS.
Oct 21, 2020